The Bohlen Group is the financial holding under the Bohlen Industrie GmbH.
The Bohlen Group is the financial holding under which Bohlen Industrie GmbH is affiliated as a company holding various companies mostly in the energetic materials industry. The companies include Bowas-Induplan Chemie, Dott. Mariano Pravisani and Bohlen Handel, which cover complex services in the chemical and explosives industries and handle all of the projects they contain worldwide from a single source.
Business areas
The Bohlen Industrie GmbH is the financial holding for the entire chemical / plant / machine branch of the bohlen group. The following subsidiaries belong to Bohlen Industrie GmbH as the parent company: Bowas Induplan Ges.m.b.H., Dott. Mariano Pravisani & C. SRL (DMP) and Bohlen Handel GmbH.
ESG Compliance and EU Supply Chain Law
Bohlen Industrie is currently developing an ESG guide together with its subsidiaries, which also incorporates the requirements of the new EU directive on the supply chain law.

Bohlen Industrie GmbH holds significant shares in the stock company Feierabend AG, a successful internet portal for “best agers”. In addition, Bohlen Industrie GmbH manages properties near Essen and Hamburg.